sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

Semana del 23 al 29 de Julio

1. Wait & See - Holy Ghost!(Hot)
2. White Elephant - Ladytron(Hot)
3. Human - The Exploding Boy(Hot)
4. Safe And Sound - Capital Cities
5. Blink and You´ll miss a Revolution - Cut Copy
6. 2 Hearts - Digitalism
7. Still Life - The Horrors(Hot)
8. Doors Unlocked and Open - Death Cab For Cutie
9. Library Pictures - Arctic Monkeys
10. Torn - The Exploding Boy
11. We can fly - Yes(Hot),(Went up 20 levels)
12. Becoming The Wraith - Autokratz
13. Calgary - Bon Iver
14. Kaputt - Destroyer
15. Holdin On To Black Metal - My Morning Jacket
16. No one - Human Tetris
17. Damned if She Do - The Kills
18. Breaking Fun - Sons & Daughters
19. Morning Song - Indiamill
20. Morning Mr Magpie - Radiohead
21. Stockers - Vanish
22. Codes And Keys - Death Cab For Cutie
23. Nocturnal - The New Division
24. Holy Ghost - White Lies
25. Prayer - Personal
26. Junk of the Heart - The Kooks(Hot),(Went up 22 levels)
27. Running Away - Friendly Fires(Hot),(Went up 19 levels)
28. Supercollider - Radiohead
29. Houdini -Foster The People(Hot)
30. Ambulances - Ladytron
31. Major Minus - Coldplay
32. The Saboteur - The Kooks (Went up 10 levels)
33. Future Starts slow - The Kills (Went up 10 levels)
34. Little by Little - Radiohead (Went up 10 levels)
35. The Hellcat Spangled Shalala - Arctic Monkeys (Went up 20 levels)
36. Spit Roses - Peter Murphy
37. Take The World - She Wants Revenge
38. Circles -Digitalism
39. Toro - El Columpio Asesino
40. Confetti - Cold Cave
41. One Moment- Motorama
42. Darling Buds of May - Viva Brother(New)
43. Digital Love - Risk Risk
44. Endless Blue - The Horrors(New)
45. Colours - Grouplove(New)
46. Crystalline - Bjork
47. Say Goodbye - Falcon(New)
48. Walk - Foo Fighters
49. No Health - The New Division
50. The adventures of rain dance Maggie - Red Hot Chili peppers(New)
51. Firework - The Spires(New)
52. People - Human Tetris
53. Promises Promises - Incubus
54. New York City Moves To The Sound of L.A - Funeral Party
55. Whirring - The Joy Formidable(New)
56. The Lights are On - Manicure(New)
57. Maybe she´s right - She Wants Revenge
58. Devotion - The New Division
59. I Sold my bed but not my stereo -Capital Cities
60. Gang(Starting never Stopping) - And So I Watch You From Afar

Mis Top 5 Bands/artist of the Week
3.-Arctic Monkeyshttp://arcticmonkeys.com/

Listen Friend:
-Radio Doble Nueve (Lima-Perú)
Usuario:stereorock contraseña:reloaded
-Kool Rock Radio (Lima-Perú)

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